Charette: Architecture is Political
Tune in to hear our conversation with Melissa R. Daniel the creator/ host of the Architecture is Political (AIP) podcast. For show notes and more information. check out our website:
Charette: WiA Austin
Tune in to hear our conversation with WiA Austin Chair Alexandra Chaves and Chair-Elect Danielle Smith. For show notes and more information. check out our website:
Charette: SoFlo NOMA
Tune in to hear our conversation with SoFlo NOMA President Tiffany Montañez. For show notes and more information. check out our website:
Charette: HUD Innovation in Affordable Housing Competition 2024
Tune in to hear our conversation with Regina Gray the Director of the Affordable Housing Research and Technology Division in the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) at the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development, and learn about the HUD Innovation in Affordable Housing Competition 2024. For show notes and more information, check out our website:
Charette: Kirsten Cessna Interview
Tune in to hear our conversation with Kirsten Cessna, Managing Director of Gensler Austin, as we discuss caregivers in the profession. For show notes and more information, check out our website:
Charette: WiA TXA Part 3
Tune in for a great conversation with five women involved in the 2024 Women in Architecture Exhibit.
Charette: WiA TXA Part 2
Tune in for a great conversation with five women involved in the 2014 Women in Architecture Exhibit.
Charette: AIA ‘24
Tune in to hear She Builds Podcast's first live episode recorded from Washington DC during the AIA Conference on Architecture & Design 2024.
Charette: WiA TXA Part 1
Tune in to learn the story of the Women in Architecture Houston Chapter Timeline Exhibit of 2014.
Charette: Julia Pascutto Interview
Tune in to hear conversation with Julia Pascutto discussing her gendered spaces study. For show notes and more information, check out our website:
Charette: Yasmeen Lari Interview
Interview with Yasmeen Lari first woman to be licensed in Pakistan, writer, humanitarian architect, winner of the 2023 RIBA Gold Medal. Activist of Barefoot Social Architecture
Charette: Costa Rica Archventure 2023
Learn about the She Builds Podcast trip to Costa Rica last year and the Archventures we went on. For show notes and more information check out our website at
Charette: Gabl Media Interview
In this Charette episode, we spoke with Mark R. LePage and Dimitrius Lynch creators of Gābl Media! Tune in to hear our conversation, where we talk their origin stories, their motivations and aspirations behind their architecture media company and the future of the profession. For show notes and more information check out our website.
Charette: Jessica’s Birthday 2024
It's Jessica's Birthday! Before airing our 100th episode, Jessica shares an intimate reflection on her hopes and significant moments of her podcast journey. Tune in to hear about why she is passionate about doing the podcast and more.
Charette: A’23, She Builds Podcast Live Broadcast
She Builds Podcast go to A'23! If you missed it, Lizi and Jessica went to the AIA Conference on Architecture this past June. Listen to hear about our experience at the conference and our conversation with Sara Kolata. Sara is a business developer, architect, and creator of Disrupt Symposium.
Charette: Norgerie’s Birthday 2023
Norgerie’s Birthday Episode 2023, discussing inspiring stories of perseverance, from Julia Morgan to Lois Cooper.
Charette: 2022 Powerful IX Presentation in Los Angeles
Bonus Episode: tune in for a recreation of our presentation back in 2022 at the Powerful IX Conference in Los Angeles, hosted by the AIA LA Women in Architecture Committee. Be sure to check out the show notes for a mini video of our slides:
Charette: Norgerie’s Birthday
Norgerie’s Birthday Episode, discussing her favorite She Builds Podcast experiences
Charette: Kate Reggev
Interview with Kate Reggev author of Architect, Partner, Wife chapter of the Routledge Companion to Women in Architecture.
Charette: Power Couples
The hosts of She Builds Podcast discuss the theme of their upcoming season 5, Power Couples.